Blue Lake Lodge

We live in a very mobile society. Gone are the days when families were raised, children were married, and few moved away from their community. This is the story of a young woman who rejected that idea. Her roots were deep into the soil from which five generations of her family sprang, and she was determined to stay right there. This she did despite both fantastic success and temptation to take off in other directions.

Rebecca Brighten is a beautiful woman, blessed with fantastic intelligence and skill, and she was offered a future that would boggle a young woman’s mind. Mixed into all of this were those who sought her love, those who wanted to make plans for her, and one who wanted her to pull up her roots and be his wife.

This is her chronicle of refusing to allow others to run her life, despite all the things they were offering her. This is a woman who knew who she was and was able to stay true to how she wanted to live!
